JCGD Volume 7

I changed the name of the journal to reflect the new direction in which I was going. This marked the beginning of the end of the journal. The subscribers, mostly techies, stopped resubscribing when I chopped out the technical material. All that theory just didn’t interest them. And boy, was there some great theory in this volume! "Fundamentals of Interactivity", "Segmentation Considerations", "Control Versus Interactivity", "Flawed Methods" -- these are all good solid essays. A new feature was the design review; the entries in this category were pretty good, but not great. Also good but not great were the "How to Think" essays. For the most part, these repeat truisms widely acknowledged and universally ignored. There are also some cute items: "The Mannikin and the Black Box", "A Thought on Box Copy", "Game Phylogeny, and "Objects Versus People". Embarrassingly defensive are "Ga-Ga Over Graphics", "Revolution and Apocalypse", "Thoughts on the Disney Brouhaha", and "I Told Ya So!".

Fundamentals of Interactivity
How to Think: Intellectual Integrity
Review: The Madness of Roland
Segmentation Considerations
Ga-Ga Over Graphics
How to Think: Algorithmic Thinking
Revolution and Apocalypse
Review of Myst
A Thought on Box Copy
Objects Versus People
How to Think: The Perils of GroupThink
Game Phylogeny Recapitulates Human Mental Ontogeny
Flawed Methods for Interactive Storytelling
Book Review: Understanding Comics
Control Versus Interactivity
Thoughts on the Disney Brouhaha
How to Think: Enconium Negativism
I Told Ya So!
Design Review and Analysis: Doom
How to Think: The Net
The Mannikin and the Black Box
Personality Modeling