Verbs for Clusters

Glance at, Watch surreptitiously, Wink at, smile at, nod to, gesture to, sit next to, chat with, laugh with, touch lightly, hold hands, sit close, hug, kiss {magnitude}, undress, balk, sex; express disinterest, discourage, shake head, “Naughty!”, turn away, reject, slap, forced sex.

General Social
Gossip about 3Actor, Express pValue, Ask about 3Actor, ask pValue, Lie…

Military Operations
Saxons raid, announce campaign, located Saxons, refuse battle, go home, prepare for battle, Order Rendezvous at 3Stage, Invade, Raid, Send Scouts, prebattle evaluation

begin battle, Assign to left, assign to center, assign to right, assign to reserve, order attack {magnitude}, order stand ground {magnitude}, order retreat {magnitude}, order general pursuit, order general retreat, Saxons bolt, combat, routed, near collapse, desperate, in trouble, having difficulty, holding firm, doing OK, doing well, winning, clobbering, victory, distribute spoils, bring ‘em home, celebration, order all-out attack, order probing attack, order stand firm, order fall back, commit the Katerfaks, return to reserve, plead for help, praise, upbraid, promise reward, threaten, reassure, ignore.

Foreign Politics
propose alliance against 3Actor, agree to alliance against 3Actor, offer tribute, demand tribute, 

Domestic Politics
Reprimand, Praise, Revoke Village, Award Village, complain to Arthur, reject complaint, admonish, adjudicate, trial by combat, 


feel out loyalty, suggest Arthur is bad, agree Arthur is bad, declare loyalty to Arthur, report Mordred to Arthur, Arthur acknowledges report, waver about Arthur, ask about reward, promise reward, declare rebellion, march on Camelot.